«Traces of Responsibility»: Docville

Looking forward to the WORLD PREMIERE of the interactive documentary TRACES OF RESPONSIBILITY by Anja Reiß and Jann Anderegg at Docville 2024 in Leuven (Belgium). Aaron Film developped the project and is co-producing this interactive feature.

Travelling through contemporary Rwanda, this interactive roadmovie follows the life of a former minister and convicted war criminal. Through interactive crossroads, viewers are given choices about which aspects of the story to explore further and how deep to dive into the subject. Using archival material, court records, governmental documents and testimonies, viewers gain a deeper understanding of Rwanda’s dark history, as well as contemporary reconciliation efforts.

Saturday, March 23, 20:30 Cinema ZED Leuven
Thursday, March 28, 17:00 Cinema ZED Leuven

#Rwanda #reconciliation #documentary #worldpremiere #film #filmfestival #swissfilms #interactive #storytelling